Mi Bodeguita del Medio

While my blog is named after a restaurant in Havana I hope to someday visit, here you will find musings, rants, political incorrectness, thoughts on Indian Nationalism, and some straight-forward opinions.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


The crappy weather continues! Its been raining/cold non-stop for two weeks now, with a couple of sunny days in between. Doesn't bother my too too much as I'm usually indoors, either at work or home studying. But the weather has been re-confirming my suspicions that it does have a lot to do with people's humour. To cheer up the grey days, here is a humorous attempt by the Spanish basketball team (awesome team btw!) that eventually turned out sour with the Left brigade jumping on them, for being "politically incorrect":
The Spanish basketball team doing the "chinky" at last summer's Chinese Olympics


  1. Political Correctness is one of the most over-rated 'virtues' of recent times. And it has started bordering on the ridiculous. Actually, it has become ridiculous.


    Quirky Indian
