Mi Bodeguita del Medio

While my blog is named after a restaurant in Havana I hope to someday visit, here you will find musings, rants, political incorrectness, thoughts on Indian Nationalism, and some straight-forward opinions.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Flamenco Class...

Chicas, compañeras de clase...y compañero... ¡aquí colgo los videos que grabé el otro día! Stepping aside from my blogging exercise, I'm putting up my Flamenco class recorded the other day in order to practice at home, as I missed a couple of sessions while travelling. Due to popular demand from my classmates, here are two of the videos which feature my Flamenco teacher, María. María is an excellent, brilliant, charismatic dancer, apart from being a wonderful person. Her moves are powerful, graceful and strong, and she drives the technique home, until you get it. The first video is filmed while she's giving class, with the students behind. And the second one is a final performance at the end of class (the angle is a bit messed up). Yours Truly does not feature here as she is recording! Enjoy!


  1. Hey your videos come as private and I can't play them. Hmmm?

  2. Abha, can you try now and let me know....?

  3. So where can one see the best Flamenco in Spain? Seville?

    Quirky Indian

  4. Quirky Indian,

    Yes, the best Flamenco can be seen in Seville... its the capital of the southern province Andalusia and the heart-land of this art-form.
